i always listen to the radio in the morning while driving to workplace....before this i am a big fan of hotFM, farah & faizal, but when they put 3 persons in morning, i found it not interesting anymore...reason? i dun think AG blend well with fafau n fbi, AG was doing so good with Kieran in the evening show...then i switched to suriaFM...Tuah n Halim seems "serasi bersama" altho halim sometimes overtalking..and suriaFM also brought in the 3rd person, Shahirah which always "merapu" i think...i dun know why this 2 stations did that...i cannot see any benefit from this approach...at least from my view lah...they made me switch to another station.
and now i am listening to mixFM, JD and Dilly...they are fantastic duo!!...this duo remind me of Richard and Shazmin...i love listened to Richard & Shazmin until they changed the announcers...
From the way Dilly speak, i thot she is indian but i was wrong, she is malay n only below 35 yrs old...but sometimes she sounds very old (sorry Dilly hehehe)....
But this whole week JD & Dilly not on air, on leave maybe...the back up team was ok but i still miss JD&Dilly...can wait to have them back on the show....to JD&Dilly, cepat2 balik keje ok.....