Saturday, October 15, 2011

I am totally lost :(

i'd gave birth to my daughter 29 months ago, and everybody said (even the pakar bius said that) it is not that long, that i cannot remember all the experience, but seriously i think i forgot most of it...

i just gave birth to my 3rd child 3 days ago, and you know what?, i keep asking and complaining to my doctor and nurse this and just like i didnt encountered this before...episiotomy pain, engorgement pain it due to epidural?, i dun know, but i read somewhere, there are cases that women tend to forget after taking an epidural...mmm...i guess it is bcoz my mind is being occupied with other things like work, kids, parenting etc make me forgot those memories...should write it down somewhere...mmm...the best place is here, in my blog:)