Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Desperate Housewives

I am a big fan of  Desperate Housewives...currently the new session is showing on 8TV...Tuesday @ 10.30pm...

I think some of the stories sometimes actually happened to me...especially in the previous show where Lynette was super2x happy when her daughther offered to help babysitting her younger sister while she went for i wish thats will happen to me too....somebody, the one that i trust, offer to look after my kids while i go for shopping, watch movie and bestnyerrrrr...

and i wonder why here in M'sia, there is no teenager, college student especially within my neighbourhood would like to do part time babysitting, like what is saw in the movie...

and at times i do feel regret buying home far away from my sisters'. At least, i can send my kids to her house if we live near to each other...

i think i am desperate housewife...desperate to do my own abt you feel the same thing?....


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Confessions of a Shopoholic

Sound familiar?..i am a bit fan of the book plus the other shopoholic series...basically i read all Sophie Kinsella books and also her other book written as Madeleine Wickham....

I never read any books that as funny as her books. I laughed while reading,i guess the passengers in the LRT must be wondering why this woman ketawa sorang2..hahaha

Why? bcoz i am some sort of her too:)..but i think she is SUPER shopoholic where i am a Moderate one (takde duit maa..)..

But i am quite frustrated with the movie...the story line was ok but i dont think Isla Fisher potrayed Becky character very well. I think Kate Hudson will done it better. May be i should be in the casting team next time:)

Plus, i think our books price here is too expensive..imagine just get the 1st edition/print copy, i have to pay RM80++.For the cheaper copy, i have to wait for another 4-6 mths after, which is impossible for me to wait that long. I want to be among the 1st to read hahaha...


Take a look at the author website ok...
