i am big fan of Corelle...alah, dinnerware fr US tu...1st time saw it from my sister's kitchen, a gift fr her BIL who was working at NY at that time...the design is very simple, i guess that was US design..geometry thing!.
my own collection starts with the 'pastel bouquet'...rasanya dah extinct dah design nie...but still available @ lgkawi, p.kubur n rantau pjg....my husband said, this is the 'paling x cantik a.k.a hodoh' design..what to do...that the only design i can afford at that time...40% discount at Sogo masa tu...
then, my 2nd is the famous 'european herbs'..why i said so?...bcoz i notice many homes have that design...1st time i saw it at rantau pjg, i was..ooh my god...my dream set...i bought it immediately(masa tu @ shopping mall pun takde)..
my 3rd...azwa, my U fren bought it from Australia while she was there...the 'kobe'. why that design? coz i thot i can mix n match with 'european herbs' as it has the yellow flower too...that what i learn from the Corelle booklet...mix n match ..hahaha..
the 4th is the 'pure white' or 'plain' design...i bought it @ lgkawi...round and square collection for this design...
the lastest is the 'warm pansies'...eventho thats not the latest design...hubby choice...i got free 3 sets of pyrex for this...worth buying hehehe..tapi bila tenguk2 balik...rasanya menyesal beli yg ni...baik beli latest design which i cant remember the design name(the red roses design)...what to do..dah beli..huk..huk..huk
want to know the funny thing abt this whole corelle-holic thing?...i already own the 'european herbs' corningware but it was in the storeroom...last Dec, i went to lgkawi again n u know what...i bought the same thing again..hehehe...now i owned 2 sets which i think really membazir...
this week, i went to pengkalan kubur during balik kg time....ohh..i went crazy coz all the designs are there..(the last time, only certain desidn were sold there)...but i put on 2nd thot...yg ada pun only bleh pakai one at one time...lagipun takde tempat nak simpan..nanti ke storeroom juga which i tend to forget later..hehehe..
my boss said 'u have all different design, but it all the the same thing meh..' i think she was quite 'pelik' why buy the same thing so many:)..that's why i called it corelle-holic....
some of my collections....
european herbs |
warm pansies with square pure white collection |
kobe corningware |
european herbs corningware |