Confinement, what a scary word :) especially to me since i dun really follow all the traditional confinement practices.
Today is my 29th day of my 3rd confinement, alhamdulillah, everything goes fine, just a little bit tired since i have 2 other kids to look after.
I did follow the do's and dont's during my 1st confinement in 2007 as i stayed at my sister's and my mother's house. But during my 2nd and now, my 3rd, i didn't really follow that anymore. The reason? obviously there is no one around to tell me "you cannot do that" or whatsoever as i chose to observe my pantang here at KL, alone. The other reason...sometime i find it hard to follow esp when it comes to food. So i ate most of the food (lapar maa, cant help myself to be too choosy:)).
In my opinion, some restrictions are ok to follow but some are too ridiculous e.g. certain veggies or fruits that cannot be taken as they were labelled as 'cold'. I think the general rule of everything is
Moderation. This can be apply not only during our confinement period, but in our daily life. I am sure 2 slices of cucumber or 2 slices of watermelon would not make you sick :D.
Maryam also on confinement - wearing socks |